Posts in Work In Progress

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Snow much to learn!

My favorite time of the year is finally here and I could not wait to make a Holiday special! The newest video “Oh Christmas Tree!” is a step further in the[…]

Can Mitzy Make it to the Moon?

After a successful splashdown of the Endeavor yesterday by SpaceX and NASA, I thought it would be great to make a video of Mitzy being inspired by this recent event. Something[…]

Make Amazing Things

It has been almost two months since my last post and I have a ton of progress to share! The past two months have been spent bringing Mitzy to life! I[…]

The Princess Engineer

It’s been a little longer than I would have liked for a blog post, but I did start a new job recently! I am continuing to work in Unreal, which is[…]

Clean your toilet or Do Math?

“More than one-third of Americans would rather clean their toilet than do math, and 56 percent of middle schoolers would rather eat broccoli than do math” The quote above made[…]

Let’s Make a Game!

After feeling stumped on my first draft of my children’s book, I decided to share it with a couple teachers I know and got some great feedback and additional resources. One[…]

Scratch That

I finally got Mitzy’s shop to a place where I felt like I was ready to test out my theory – I could use this same environment for my game and[…]

A Teapot, A Computer & Mars

Made some more progress in Mitzy’s space. The area’s I’ve been working on lately feel more cohesive and not a kit bash of assets. Hoping to make her whole space to[…]

So Much Pink

I’ve been spending the past couple days playing around a bit more with the look and feel. The hard part about using the Epic marketplace is trying to achieve consistency between[…]

Making Mitzy

I continued working on Mitzy’s Maker space today. I started thinking about how she would move in the space and how is should be organized. In the middle of working on[…]