Made some more progress in Mitzy’s space. The area’s I’ve been working on lately feel more cohesive and not a kit bash of assets. Hoping to make her whole space to feel like this. Definitely will need to revisit the earlier areas I worked on.
Did some searching on for free assets and found some planets and a space shuttle! Making sure to incorporate all aspects of STEAM into her space.
I’m continuing to incorporate various elements to expose kids to concepts and items that they will continue to see in STEAM. The Utah Teapot, A space shuttle, a powerful PC, and a green screen are a few of those elements.
The Utah Teapot was the first CG element I rendered at UCSD with my own ray tracer and it is widely used in the Graphics community. The Utah Teapot has various elements that allows it to be a great test for initial rendering and lighting. Computer Graphics was one of the hardest and rewarding classes I took at UCSD – It pushed me in the right direction and I knew this is where I wanted to be.
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